Saturday, May 23, 2020
I have always believed the foundations of learning and...
I have always believed the foundations of learning and development are built from a young age and it is important to stimulate and encourage this during the younger years of a childs life. I believe that a career in teaching will present me with the different challenges I look for in my job and I believe I possess the necessary skills to become a successful teacher. My interest in teaching started from volunteering as a supervisor at an activity club. It strengthened my desire to be a role model and help children gain confidence and self-belief that in turn will aid their educational development. I have found that it is of key importance to understand each childs individual abilities and tailor the activities that will incorporate†¦show more content†¦The response I received was great and I learnt how to be assertive and exercise more patience. At university, I started up and ran the Bright Futures Society. I wanted to help maximize students employability by inviting recruiters to deliver interview techniques. Additionally, getting students to get involved in enrichment activities to help them recognise their competencies and develop these. This experience has allowed me to enhance my leadership and mentoring skills and ability to relate to young people. It also enabled me to develop my organisation skills, managing a degree and part-time job. I understand these are just some of the qualities required to becoming a successful teacher. I have developed strong interpersonal skills and a good work ethic having worked from 16. Time management, resilience and rapport building are skills that make me a strong candidate in becoming an effective teacher. Working in customer service, I am capable of adapting myself and communicating with people of all levels. This will support me in having the understanding required to deal with pupils of different levels as well as liaise with parents and staff. Studying IT, Accounting and the range of essay-based modules at university have continued to enhance my grammar and knowledge in numeracy. The skills acquired will greatly aid me when teaching the National Curriculum. It has been extremely rewarding seeing how you canShow MoreRelatedMusic Is A Part Of My Life1637 Words  | 7 PagesI cannot recall a time when music was not a part of my life. Whether I was singing in a choir, jamming out to the radio in my car with the windows rolled down, or simply listening to music while studying, music has had a huge impact on who I have grown up to be and I would never want to change that. Like every other form of art, music is universal and can be enjoyed by people from all different backgrounds. It gives people a chance to understand the world differently rather than simply sitting inRead MoreStandardized Testing And Its Impact On Education1547 Words  | 7 Pagesand professional development of students. This was eventually the model that would be shared by other countries as a building block to the module that they had in effect at the time. As time passed by, however the education system in the U.S. underwent several major changes in education and ev entually the implementation of standardised testing became more prevalent in our society. The standardised testing system is something that has been around for a long time. It origins come from the ancient ChineseRead MoreBiography Of Grace Hopper And The Computer Age1528 Words  | 7 PagesRear Admiral Grace Hopper, also known as the â€Å"Grandmother of the Computer Age†was a remarkable woman who rose to the challenge of programming the first computer, Mark I. During her lifetime as a leader in the field of technology she founded the basis of modern-day computer language as we know it, essentially teaching computers to speak as well as contributing to the transition from primitive programming techniques to the usage of sophisticated compilers. Due to her extraordinary achievements inRead MoreGrace Hopper : Brilliant Programmer And Pioneering Woman1546 Words  | 7 PagesAdmiral Grace Hopper, also known as the â€Å"Grandma COBOL†was a remarkable woman who to ok up the challenge of programming the first computer, Mark I. During her lifetime as a leader in the field of technology she founded the basis of modern-day computer language as we know it, essentially teaching computers to speak as well as contributing to the transition from primitive programming techniques to the usage of sophisticated compilers. Due to her extraordinary achievements in computer science, she pavedRead MoreThe Comparison and Contrast of Developmental Theories Essay example1829 Words  | 8 Pages104: Child and Adolescent Development Instructor: Sonja Bethune Monday, May 21, 2012 Throughout time the development of psychology has had many different theorists but I would like to explore these three particular theories. * Erik Erikson’s – Stages of Psychosocial Development * Lev Vygotsky’s – Sociocultural Theory * Jean Piagets’s – Stage of Cognitive Development The three theories I have chosen to discuss are all extremely relevant ideas; although I prefer Erik Erikson’s stageRead MoreSupporting Teaching and Learning in Schools2495 Words  | 10 PagesP1 – State the chosen age range and area of development AND describe the development of the children or young people in this age range The age range I have chosen is 3-7 yrs and I will discuss intellectual development. The main stages of intellectual development as defined by Jean Piaget for children aged 3-7 yrs are classified under the â€Å"Preoperational Stage†the second stage of four in his cognitive development theory. Piaget states that children between the ages of 3-7 yrs continue to exploreRead More‘It Is Important to Plan to Meet the Care and Learning Needs of All Children’5310 Words  | 22 Pagesto identify children’s care and learning needs in a setting, there are many reasons for this. Firstly, is to promote development. Some children develop and learn faster than others and it is partly our responsibility to ensure all children’s needs are cared for no matter what stage of development they are at. We can do this by carrying out observations; these help us to identify the exact learning needs of children. They can show us clearly what stage of development each indi vidual child is at, weRead MoreEducation And English Literature Work4557 Words  | 19 PagesEducation and English literature work hand- and-hand with equipping children in the early childhood years with the skills needed to be successful in future education. This is because â€Å"the early childhood years serve as an important foundation for subsequent literacy development†(Neuman Dickinson, 2001; Snow, Burns, Griffin, 1998; Whitehurst Lonigan, 2001) (Stephen Green, 2006). During the early childhood years children’s brains are constantly absorbing everything they learn or come in contactRead MoreAttachment Theory Is A Close Secure Lasting Bond Between An Infant / Child And A Care Provider2299 Words  | 10 Pagesbond that occurs between an infant/child and a care provider. This is a deep connection that starts to develop from the time of conception and continues on to flourish and establish itself in the early years of the child’s life. Bowlby, (1998 ) suggests that a child does need to develop a foundation with at least one primary care provider for their social and emotional development. Young Infants attach themselves to a primary caregiver who is sensitive and attentive within the bond that occurs earlyRead MoreLevel 5 Childcare and Education Unit 1397728 Words  | 31 PagesUnit 139 Lead Practice that supports positive outcomes for children and young people’s development. 1.1 Explain different theories and frameworks of children and young person’s development Refer back to 137. 1.2 Explain the potential impact on service provision of different theories and approaches Sigmund Freud Freud believed that our unconscious minds influence the way in which we behave. He thought that our early experiences caused our later adult behaviour. We are influenced by this in our provision
Monday, May 18, 2020
Dangerous Effects Of Plastic Surgial Procedure - 846 Words
Dangerous effects of plastic surgial procedure People are more and more drawn into thinking that their identities and bodies are similarly plastic, flexible, liquid. Karen Donley-Hayes, who is contributor to Cosmetic Surgery Times, Dermatology Times, and the Journal of the American Medical Association, contends: An extreme makeover culture is emerging. As procedures and techniques improve and become more affordable, cosmetic surgery has turned from luxury to a prerequisite in a society that emphasizes appearance over merit. Additionally, global economic and technological forces, promote disposability and constant upgrading; people pursue surgical enhancement to reinvent themselves and remain competitive (Donley-Hayes, 2011). Anthony Elliott thinks that the speed promoted by the global electronic economy drives and enables re-inventing one s own self. The new economy, in which disposability is elevated over durability and plasticity over permanence, creates fundamental anxieties and i nsecurities that more and more people are seeking to resolve at the level of the body, he argues. (Donley-Hayes, 2011). Consumerism or self-commodification offers a better take on what is occurring the financing of enhanced body parts is now creeping into monthly credit card statements but again this is not for me the core of what is driving the cosmetic reinvention craze. Professor Elliott says that, at an international level, bodies today are pumped, pummeled,Show MoreRelatedDangerous Effects Of Plastic Surgial Procedure1333 Words  | 6 Pages Dangerous effects of plastic surgial procedure People are more and more drawn into thinking that their identities and bodies are similarly plastic, flexible, liquid. Karen Donley-Hayes, who is contributor to Cosmetic Surgery Times, Dermatology Times, and the Journal of the American Medical Association, contends: An extreme makeover culture is emerging. As procedures and techniques improve and become more affordable, cosmetic surgery has turned from luxury to a prerequisite in a society
Monday, May 11, 2020
Personal Narrative - To Leave or To Stay Essay - 1552 Words
To Leave or To Stay Have you ever felt lost? Have you ever felt scared of the future not knowing what to expect and what to do? If you have then you have experienced a crisis that you had to resolve in order to continue your life normally. Sometimes it is really hard to know what is best and to realize what have to be done, and the younger you are the harder it is. No matter what you think though, the only way to solve your problem is to sit down and think about it and come up with all the positive sides and all the negative sides of the situation, and then decide what you should do. I was 16 years old when I faced my biggest crisis. I did not know what to do; I even refused to think about it. I thought everything was going to†¦show more content†¦I was still afraid to face the crisis and resolve it. My problem at that time was to leave or not to leave. There were more questions to ask. I was sitting in my room, on my bed underneath my warm and pretty orange covers, looking at the river that passed right by my house. There were little birds flying outside and singing. I could easily hear the river going down, washing the rocks and taking leaves and branches along the way. What would it feel like waking up every day and not seeing this beautiful sight before my eyes? I thought I was not ready to give it up. I started thinking about the significant things and people in my life. There were my parents and my brother on one hand, and there were my friends and the other relatives on the other hand. I thought that even if I do not come to the United States my p arents could come to see me during their vacations or I could come visit them during mine. I couldn’t imagine my life so far away in a country that I have never visited before. What if I do not like it? What if I want to go back but I cannot? It was going to be harder to learn to live in a different way and get used to unlike traditions and new people and even a different language, than just keep living and doing as I have in the past. I thought that the best for me would be to stay home and not change anything. I liked my house; I liked my school; I liked my life; I liked it. I thought I wasn’t ready to give it upShow MoreRelatedThe Love of a Woman in Paulo Coelho’s Novel The Alchemist Essay1121 Words  | 5 PagesIn Paulo Coelho’s novel The Alchemist the story of the shepherd boy Santiago and his journey to fulfill his Personal Legend unfolds from beginning to end. On his journey Santiago meets several significant male characters that play very impor tant roles in the development of his character, his journey, and his story. There are only a few female characters in The Alchemist, as men dominate the story; however, one of these female characters also plays a very significant role in Santiago’s story. SantiagoRead MorePersonal Essay On The Light In The Forest743 Words  | 3 Pagestimes. In The Light in the Forest, Mary Jemison’s personal narrative, and from my personal experience, there are many situations when your family never leaves your side, stands up for you, and believes in you! In The Light in the Forest, True Son’s Indian family never leaves his side. When True Son comes back from the village, he still shows his love towards his family and runs away from his birth family to be with them. True Son doesn’t want to leave them. â€Å"True Son looked at [his younger sister]Read MoreSelf Discovery In Anita Nairs Ladiesbor1330 Words  | 6 Pagesexplore the theme of self discovery through the act of journey in Anita Nair’s Ladies Coupe. Travel narratives are broad genres which illuminate mainly on people, place and culture. Journeys form the focal point of every travel narrative. 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In the first aspect of identity, an individual’s identity is some distinctive trait, or a fixed category, that that person views as socially significant but more-or-less unchangeable. In other words, an identity is given to you. One of the key principles of developmental psychology, applicable to personal identity change, is continuity and discontinuity. In simple terms, this discusses what changes and what stays the same within anRead Moreâ€Å"One Out of Many†by V.S. Naipaul1552 Words  | 7 Pagesstory which concerns a young Indian man from Bombay who starts a new life and struggles with his own personal identity in the city of Washington D.C. Through narrative structure within the short story Naipaul seems to question the meaning of freedom, and what constitutes freedom on both a societal, and personal level. 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Through the early years of teaching experience, it became clear that I am a type of an artist that requires centralization on one thing, at a time, either devoting to students and its surrounding community or studio practice of my ownRead MoreNarrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass: An American Slave873 Words  | 4 Pages The Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass: An American Slave, is a save narrative written by Fredrick Douglass himself. The narrative comprises of eleven chapters that give an account of Douglass’ life as a slave, and his quest to get education and become free from the slavery institution. In this narrative, Douglass struggles to free himself from the mentally, physically, and emotional torture of slavery, and the slavery itself. Douglass was taken away from his parents at a tender age and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Social Policy And The Access Of The Judiciary System
What is Social Policy and the link to the Judiciary system Social policy aims to improve human welfare and to meet human needs. Important areas of social policy are wellbeing and welfare, unemployment insurance, pensions, the NHS, social housing, family policy, social care, child protection, crime and criminal justice and labour issues. It was said problems of children who were deprived or abused have been connected closely with issues concerning young offenders (, 2015).This statement involves various roles from professionals in the judiciary system. Under the Children’s Act 1998 the local authority’s functions where to provide services which support children and their families (Anon, 2015). Social workers would have had involvement during the individual’s young life and have already taken action in order to prevent the abuse therefore preventing young offenders. In turn victim support would support the individual if they are required in a court setting; they will advise if they are feeling worried, nervous or afraid. If an individual becomes a young offender the Youth offending teams within the court support them by; staying in touch with a young person if they’re sentenced in custody, charged with a crime and has to go to court or if a young person is arrested. The youth offending team work closely with the probation services (, 2015). Leeds Crown Court The first impression of the Crown Court building is initially imposing and intimidating; however theShow MoreRelatedIran s State Run Broadcast Media1635 Words  | 7 Pagesoffers a greater spectrum of information and opinions from across the political gamut. The press has traditionally been considered one of the most important campaign tools for candidates, both reformists and conservatives, but also as key resources for access to diverse election news, debates and analyses for Iranian citizens. 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This organization strives to fix the social condition of the lack of medicine in third world countries abroad and fight medical patenting that is making medical prices to skyrocket, thus causing inaccessibility of drugs for patients. 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Articles related to Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles and independent judiciary together provide a firm constitutional basis to the growth of Public Interest Litigation in India. The founding fathers envisaged ‘‘the judiciary as a bastion of rights and justice’’. An independent judiciary lanced with the power of judicial review was the constitutional device chosen to achieve the requiredRead MoreThe Negative Consequences of Discipline1836 Words  | 7 Pagestolerance policies, which have encouraged and led to overcriminalization and the over-intervention of the juvenile justice system. This correlation between zero tolerance measures and the justice system has been termed â€Å"school-to-prison-pipeline†. Zero tolerance has, for the most part, worked; but do we like how it has worked? Although this policy has some benefits, its biggest flaw is that it is disproportionately applied to minorities, a trend that is largely reflected and reinforced in policies. FromRead MoreThe Benefits Of Mining As A Business Opportunities For Investment In Cameroon729 Words  | 3 PagesArabia in 2017. The purpose of the speech was to inform them of the potential and the advantages of investing in the financial sector and particularly the microfinance sector in Cameroon. Purely a Muslim country. So, this presentation will consider the social custom of the Kingdom. I all did ensure my presentation finish well ahead of prayer time. All local participants were informed to dress decently. Speech to contain no religion-related remarks. As a Muslim country alcohol consumption forbidden andRead MoreThe Philip pines : A Great Biodiversity1318 Words  | 6 Pageslegislative, and judiciary branches. Romualdez (2011) distinguishes that the executive branch, which is comprised of the national government agencies and local government, exercises their directorial and supervisory authority over the entire system. The legislative branch, which consists of the Houses of Senate and Congress, allocates the fiscal resources through annual budgets or development funds. The judiciary branch is involved in legal decisions regarding disputes. SOCIAL The DepartmentRead MoreBrazil : Case Study : Brazil1019 Words  | 5 PagesRussia, India, and China. From the 1500’s to the 1930’s, the Brazilian economy relied heavily on the production of primary products for exports. The economy was heavily curbed for three centuries when Portugal implemented an imperial mercantile policy. Brazil gained its independence in 1822. However, Portugal’s influence had a lasting impact for many years to come. Changes started to occur in the late nineteenth century when slavery was abolished and wage labor was adopted. Brazil has a democraticRead MoreGlobalization - Turkey1743 Words  | 7 Pagescontribute decisively to global economic development - inevitable and irreversible. Others are hostile to this process, if not fear, believing that it increases inequality within and between nations, threatens employment and living standards and thwarts social progress. The objective of this study, which is an overview of certain as pects of globalization, is to indicate how a country can take advantage of this process, while realistically assessing the potential and risks. That globalization offers great
ZARA’s IT for Fast Fashion Free Essays
2,777 million for non-operating (fixed), which is purchase of new POS terminals, wireless router and wireless Ethernet. If they use Windows or UNIX, total initial cost will be million or ;? 3,175 million, respectively. This may be a very costly for the company, but it is a direct expense, which means the cost will depreciate over the years. We will write a custom essay sample on ZARA’s IT for Fast Fashion or any similar topic only for you Order Now For example, the total operating cost for Linux, Windows, and UNIX will decrease to? KICK, and? KICK in the second year, respectively. The benefit of a new system will improve Sara’s efficiency, which will directly influence their revenue. With the smooth communication among the stores and the headquarters, Ezra can better predict the future needs of material, and save cost by hedging them at a low cost. The system will also allow them to make clothes prototypes at a quicker rate and get a faster response from the customers. Therefore, there will be more sales, less cost, more revenue, and ultimately more profit. I would recommend Ezra to upgrade their current system gradually. In the short ERM, there is no immediate need to upgrade the system. However, they need to make the changes over a long period of time. First, senior management should develop a formal IT department by hiring a COT to set decisions. Second, the new IT team should develop a strategy for the change. Third, they should develop a budget for implementing the whole upgrade. Once they have the strategy and budget in place, they should stop any more investments in the current systems and conduct a pilot test at one of their flagship store to collect data of its outcomes. Ezra should cake the investments in stages. For example, the current Pads used for ordering are inconvenient. They should be replaced with convenient equipment such as the PC’s. In addition, the Pads and POS are not connected. In order to improve the networking capabilities at each store, Ezra should switch from modem-based network to a broadband-based network. This will allow them to stay connected with the other stores as well as with the headquarters. POS terminals that operates on the outdated DOS system needs to be updated with a more modern and compatible operating system. As a result POS should have the customer based functionalities that will record sales, returns, exchanges, etc. POS system should also handle functions such as inventory control, purchasing, and receiving and transferring of products to and the new systems side by side, until the new system is operating smoothly. Finally, Ezra should use the internet to make online sales, and take advantage of the social media to promote itself. This can enhance their operations and ultimately increase revenue. Also, it will give them more competitive edge with the new competitors and the existing competitors. How to cite ZARA’s IT for Fast Fashion, Papers ZARA’s IT for Fast Fashion Free Essays Ezra, a trendy Spanish clothing retailer founded in 1975 by Manioc Ortega in La Curran. It is a flagship retail store of Inedited Group, a holding company that owns other fashion brands such as Misaims Audit, Berserk, Pull and Bear, Strabismus, Kiddy’s Class, and Shoo. The company still lives by the simple idea of Amoco Ortega to link customer demand to manufacturing and link manufacturing to distribution, which ultimately able to respond very quickly to the demands of targeted customers, who are young and fashion-conscious city dwellers. We will write a custom essay sample on ZARA’s IT for Fast Fashion or any similar topic only for you Order Now Inedited operates 1,558 stores in 44 countries, of which 531 stores are part of Ezra chains. Ezra generates a majority of Indies’s sales accounting for 73. 3%. Of the three departments inside Ezra, Women accounted for 60% of sales, with the rest evenly split between Men and Children division. In 2002, Inedited posted a net income of ? ¬ 438 million on revenues of ? ¬3,974 million, which is a net margin of 1 1. 02%. Overall, the company shows net margin continuously growing indicating profitable growth. As a result, the company’s earnings have tripled since 1996. To reach consumer’s demands quickly and accurately, Ezra established a recurring process of ordering, fulfillment, and design and management. Each section (Women, Men, and Children) of a Ezra store places an order to headquarters twice a week on the store’s PDP devices. The orders include both replenishment of an existing item and requests for a new items. Store managers determined replenishment quantities by walking around the store and determining what has been selling by counting garments and talking to salespeople. Fulfilling each store’s demands of clothes involves group of commercials from headquarters, who are responsible to match up the supply of finished clothes coming from factories to distribution centers then finally to the stores. The commercials works with two types of information – aggregated orders from all stores and the total supply of inventory in the distribution centers at the same point in time. Finally, Ezra introduces new design collections at the start of fall/winter and spring/summer buying periods. In addition to that, they continuously introduce new items throughout the year, allowing them to be ahead within the industry. Note: Detail information for design and management is in â€Å"Competition†Section). SUPPLIERS: Ezra owns a group of factories in and around La Corona to do the initial production of dyeing and cutting cloth. However, they sent out the cut fabrics that needs to be sewn into garments, to network of small local workshops (not owned by Inedited) in Galatia and northern Portugal, which guarantees quick turnaround time. Finally, the sewn garments are sent to a Ezra facilities, where they are ironed, inspected, tagged, and sent to a distribution centers. COMPETITION: Ezra faces competition from multinational clothing retailers such as Gap, HM, and Benton, Combined, these companies has over 200,000 employees, operating in 140 countries with net income of ? ¬1,067 million or a net margin of 15. 3%. What separate’s Ezra from its competitors is it’s unique approach to its marketing and business operation. Unlike its competitors, Ezra virtually does no marketing. The company place ads twice a year promoting sales and to announce the opening of new stores. As a result, their marketing expenditures average 0. % of revenue, instead of 3%-4%, which is typical for competitors. They also always make sure their stores are located in a city prime retail district and the prices for their items are established for the Spanish market. Prices for other countries is set at a fixed percentage of this baseline, taking into account distribution costs and market condition. Ezra also priorities time-to-market through vertical integration en abling them to constantly introduce new items throughout the year in a short period of time. In a typical year, Ezra introduces approximately 11,000 new items, were as its competitors average 2,000 – 4,000 items. Consequently, Ezra does not try to produce classics†clothes that would always be in style. They intend their clothes to have a fairly short life span. About 75% of the merchandise in the average store is changes over three to four weeks, resulting in their experience shoppers to visit the stores often to purchase the new items. Furthermore, Sara’s senior managers takes advantage of their employee’s intelligence and trust their Judgment in decision making. Store Managers are given responsibilities to deal with customers, contractors, landlords, and decisions in garments should be on sale at their individual stores. They place orders for the teems they think would sell, rather than simply accepting and displaying what headquarters decide to send them. Ezra has minimum invested in IT budget and has no formal process to set decisions for specific technology investments or projects. Usually senior management decides what new systems, if any, is required. Overall, there is very little Justification for IT efforts, which results in having no cost/benefit analysis for current and future projects. Also, Sara’s business model uses POS terminal that runs on an outdated DOS operating system, which is not supported by Microsoft. This makes the operations such as ordering, fulfillment, design and manufacturing, and in-store operations inefficient. They also use handheld Pad’s for ordering and for tasks such as handling garment returns to distribution centers and conveying information from headquarters to all stores. This causes redundancy. The POS terminals also makes it difficult to check in-store inventories, check inventories in other stores, and share information. The store managers would have to call to check for available SSW, which is a time consuming process. Finally, Ezra makes no use of the internet to make sales. The website is only there to maintain a presence. The issue for lack of internet sales is because the company’s distribution center is not configured for picking up small orders and shipping to consumers. And, it is complicated to handle returns of merchandise bought online. The challenges above shows where Ezra can make the use of proper IT/IS infrastructure. Currently, Ezra has continued to use their systems without any changes to it. However, they have the opportunity to improve its infrastructure by investing in new IT systems. This proper implementation can also provide great opportunity for Ezra to improve its value ham operations. Before Ezra makes any decision regarding the upgrade of their old information system, they need to analyze the costs and benefits of the new system. A new operating system such as Linux, Windows, or UNIX, it will allow Ezra to develop capabilities on the outdated DOS software for POS terminals. As they install the new operating system on all the computers, they need to consider the costs of each operating system. For example, Linux does not have one-time license cost, while Windows has a one-time license cost of ? ¬140 and UNIX of ? ¬160 per CUP]. Linux may offer the cheapest implementation costs for Ezra, but they have a higher ongoing costs, such as service contract cost that ranges from ? ¬10-? ¬150 per CUP]. To upgrade the system Ezra will also have to install new hardware and replace the old POS terminals. The cost of POS terminals is ? ¬5000 per store, which will also require installation of new cables, routers etc. The wireless routers and Ethernet cost, staff training cost, software installation and maintenance cost, and the connectivity cost per store, will also add to the upgrade costs. Overall, if Ezra decides to use Linux operating system, the total cost for the initial year will be ? ¬ 56 million. This includes ? ¬ 379 thousand of operating cost and ? ¬ 2,777 million for non-operating (fixed), which is purchase of new POS terminals, wireless router and wireless Ethernet. If they use Windows or UNIX, total initial cost will be ? ¬ 3,167 million or ? ¬ 3,175 million, respectively. This may be a very costly for the company, but it is a direct expense, which meaner the cost will depreciate over the years. For example, the total operating cost for Linux, Windows, and UNIX will decrease to ? ¬ 371 K, ? ¬ KICK, and ? ¬ ASK in the second year, respectively. The benefit of a new system will improve Sara’s efficiency, which will directly influence their revenue. With the smooth communication among the stores and the headquarters, Ezra can better predict the future needs of material, and save cost by hedging them at a low cost. The system will also allow them to make clothes prototypes at a quicker rate and get a faster response from the customers. Therefore, there will be more sales, less cost, more revenue, and ultimately more profit. RECOMMENDATIONS I would recommend Ezra to upgrade their current system gradually. In the short term, there is no immediate need to upgrade the system. However, they need to make the changes over a long period of time. First, senior management should develop a formal IT department by hiring a COT to set decisions. Second, the new IT team should develop a strategy for the change. Third, they should develop a budget for implementing the whole upgrade. Once they have the strategy and budget in place, they should stop any more investments in the current systems and conduct a pilot test at one of their flagship store to collect data of its outcomes. Ezra should make the investments in stages. For example, the current Pads used for ordering are inconvenient. They should be replaced with convenient equipment such as the PC’s. In addition, the Pads and POS are not connected. In order to improve the networking capabilities at each store, Ezra should switch from modem-based network to a broadband-based network. This will allow them to stay connected with the other stores as well as with the headquarters. POS terminals that operates on the outdated DOS system needs to be updated with a more modern and compatible operating system. As a result POS should have the customer based functionalities that will scored sales, returns, exchanges, etc. POS system should also handle functions such as inventory control, purchasing, and receiving and transferring of products to and from other locations. After the final stages, I strongly recommend to run the old and the new systems side by side, until the new system is operating smoothly. Finally, Ezra should use the internet to make online sales, and take advantage of the social media to promote itself. This can enhance their operations and ultimately increase revenue. Also, it will give them more competitive edge with the new competitors and the existing competitors. How to cite ZARA’s IT for Fast Fashion, Essays
Human Resource Management for Performance - myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theHuman Resource Management for Goals and Performance. Answer: Introduction: The change in the contemporary world and the demands of the customers results in changing the business practices and the interrelationship between the organizational functions. It has been analysed that Human Resource management is one of the functions of the organization that is very important. This is because humans are the resources that can provide competitive advantage to the company (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). An effective human resource system is required in the organizations to maintain and motivate the human working in the organization. It has been analysed that when the employees of the company are in the correct path, they can potentially achieve the goals and thus leads to organizations success or achieve of organizations objectives. Success of the organization depends on the achievement of the set objectives and this achievement is purely dependent on the workforce that is working for the organization. If the workforce of the organization is skilled enough to complete their work then organisation can easily achieve their targets. Functions of human resource management: There are many functions and operations in human resource management which are being conducted in order to have better and efficient management of human resources working in the company. some of the function that support the management of workforce in the organizations are training and development, compensation policies, rewards management, recruitment and selection, performance appraisal strategies, etc. All these function contributes directly or indirectly on the organizational gaols and performance. This is because the ultimate target of the company can only be achieved if every employee in the organisation enhances their personal and individual targets. It has been analysed that for making the organizational performance efficient, it is required to put in some strategies for the employees to be efficient at individual level (Paill, Chen, Boiral and Jin, 2014). Impact of training and development on organizational performance: Training is the one of the most important key factors in order to achieve the organizational goals. The employees themselves play better roles in defining their own requirement of training so as to match their skills with the requirements of the organization. The major aim of human resource management in this context should be to hire the people who have the capability to integrate the eternal and internal information and turning it into better knowledge that can be transferred to the employees (Alfes, Shantz, Truss and Soane, 2013). By conducting the training session at the organization, various skills can be developed among the employees of the organization. Companies who want to attain the competitive advantage through their employees have to make efforts in conducting the training session that results in developing the skills of the employees by providing them proper and frequent trainings (Grohmann and Kauffeld, 2013). Understanding of the companys objectives is very much import ant at the time of making the targets and the objectives of the training. There are many companies that facilitate their employees and provide them with great training programs so as to develop their skills. Amazon is one of the companies that provide the training to their employees even before hiring them (Sung and Choi, 2014). This is because the company has the objective to achieve higher sales and thus it is required to have theta tactics in its employees. The company claims that they want their owner to be the employees and thus also trains the employees to work from home so that they can balance their work as well as their personal life. ATT is another company that serves the market with telecom services. It is the company that has its own university that allow the employees to educate themselves with the Nano-degrees in the field of mobile and technology (Ford, 2014). Both the companies that have been discussed above are the companies having different organizational objective s but they have set their training programs as per the objectives of the company (Elnaga and Imran, 2013). It has been analysed that provision of training develop the morale of the employees and also helps the employees to feel motivated. As far as the hotel industry is considered, it has been analysed that kit is the most industry that deals with many services and the employees working in this industry has the aim to make the customers feel comfortable and satisfied (Ferreira, 2016). Thus, these employees need to be trained at the level so that they can deals with the customers from any location. Marriot is one of the hotel chains that serves the employees with great training programs and explore their knowledge and skills regarding customers interaction. The methods that are used by Marriot are virtual as well as in person (Cummings and Worley, 2014). The company provides training to the employees in every half year so that the changes in the practices in hotel industry can be inf ormed to them. This also helps the employees to develop themselves individually and motivates them to develop their career. It has been analysing that training and development is the function of the human resource management that deals with development of the employees as well as the organizations. Conclusion: It has been concluded from the above discussion that human resource management is the most important function of the organization that directly affect the performance of the organization. This is because every organization depends on the workforce that is working for the company. It is required by the companies to provide ad update the skills of the employees so that they can work as per the current skillsets and provide organization with the competitive advantage. It has also been analysed that training and development of the company also motivated the employees who helps the employees perform better for the company. The sot important thing that needs to be considered is alignment of the training objectives of the employees with the objectives of the organization. References: Alfes, K., Shantz, A.D., Truss, C. and Soane, E.C., 2013. The link between perceived human resource management practices, engagement and employee behaviour: a moderated mediation model.The international journal of human resource management,24(2), pp.330-351. Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014.Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Cummings, T.G. and Worley, C.G., 2014.Organization development and change. Cengage learning. Elnaga, A. and Imran, A., 2013. The effect of training on employee performance.European Journal of Business and Management,5(4), pp.137-147. Ferreira, A.P.V.G., 2016. Training and Development in Organizations: Start at the Beginning. InMBA(pp. 105-121). Springer International Publishing. Ford, J.K., 2014.Improving training effectiveness in work organizations. Psychology Press. Grohmann, A. and Kauffeld, S., 2013. Evaluating training programs: Development and correlates of the questionnaire for professional training evaluation.International Journal of Training and Development,17(2), pp.135-155. Paill, P., Chen, Y., Boiral, O. and Jin, J., 2014. The impact of human resource management on environmental performance: An employee-level study.Journal of Business Ethics,121(3), pp.451-466. Sung, S.Y. and Choi, J.N., 2014. Do organizations spend wisely on employees? Effects of training and development investments on learning and innovation in organizations.Journal of organizational behavior,35(3), pp.393-412.
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