Saturday, November 30, 2019
Perspective on Wakanda free essay sample
Last week, Marvel released yet another one of their star-studded movies. This is no surprise as they have a history of doing so with great success. Spiderman, The Avengers, and X-Men are just a few successful big screen productions that Marvel Studios were directly responsible for. Marvel superhero movies tend to attract an immense amount of attention, annually breaking their own records and raking in huge revenue totals. Their newest movie, however, attracted attention for different reasons, starting new conversations and opening new doors within the action genre. Likely in celebration of the 48th Black History Month, Marvel Studios opted to uncharacteristically release the movie Black Panther in February. This movie was seen as monumental within the black community as most felt it offered a certain representation that was never before seen in a movie. While there have been other more diverse superheroes, in this particular movie, most of the major roles were filled with people of color. We will write a custom essay sample on Perspective on Wakanda or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Again, this was unheard of in a movie that was expected to get as much attention as Marvel cinematics generally do. It was released with an extreme amount of anticipation and, based on the returns, it did not disappoint. On March 24, it became the highest grossing superhero movie of all time, bringing in over $624 million at the domestic box office. This is a movie that is leaving its mark culturally and historically. Earlier in my essay, I stated that the Black Panther movie offered a different representation for people of color on the big screen. This is not done in the original Black Panther comic book storyline. Ta- Nehisi Coates, a highly renowned writer, was responsible for the revision of this movie. The â€Å"third world country†Wakanda, located in Africa, is believed to be less advanced, unprofitable, and to an extent, weaker than the rest of the world. However, it is revealed that Wakanda is actually more advanced technologically than the rest of the world due to the rare resources it possesses. In this fictional universe, people of color possess the abilities and capabilities of a world power which isn’t a reality. They isolate themselves so that they are not poisoned by the rest of the world, even less so by â€Å"colonizers.†This depiction was a welcomed sight on the big screen. Ta- Nehisi Coates is a renowned journalist, who is known for using his voice to shed light on his experiences as a black male in America. He is also well known for his second book Between the World and Me, which is essentially a letter to his son explaining the world around him, and its history with people of color. He explains to his son that the world is not safe for him and there is nothing he can do about it. He simply gives advice on how to maneuver through it, in order to put himself in a better position to be successful in life. This perspective is a grim one, but is a reality that people of color know all too well. Once again, Ta Nehisi Coates is voicing the black perspective for everyone to understand and listen. Too often, the struggles of people of color are belittled, overlooked, or dismissed altogether, and he refuses to let this happen. Coates forces the conversation about racial disparities to take place by triggering emotions such as sympathy and guilt from the reade r. He hopes to have the reader understand the sadness and disappointment that comes with having to tell your child that the world is not built for you to succeed, and spark initiative within people who will make change a reality. Last year, another movie unique to its genre was released. This movie, however, was not met with the same anticipation and high expectations. A horror movie, Get Out, introduced a new perspective, to say the least. The main character, Chris, is invited to meet the parents of his girlfriend, Rose, for a weekend. Initially, Chris recognizes that his skin color may be an issue and prompts his girlfriend to take it into account before allowing him to come. She dismisses his concerns, insinuating that his color will have no effect on the way the weekend plays out. Chris brushes off his doubts and agrees to go nonetheless. His doubts proved to be legitimate as the entire weekend he would feel ostracized due to the color of his skin and would even have his life th reatened because of it. Oscar-winning writer Jordan Peele told this horror story knowing that it would evoke a feeling that is all too familiar to people of color. He expressed (although slightly exaggerating) the fear that comes with being the only person in the room who looks like you. Peele uses this fear as his tool for connecting the audience to the actor. Throughout the movie, there is an increasingly awkward aura that surrounds and corners the character. The unfamiliarity he feels begins to couple with the fact that he is the only one who is not on the same page. Mentally, he is reduced to a lamb in a house filled with wolves. He can never truly feel safe or relaxed because he is clearly the outsider. For a great portion of the movie, Chris is searching for something to put him at ease in an uncomfortable situation. On three separate occasions, he attempts to level with the only people of color he can find, as an escape from his girlfriend’s guests treating him like an exotic artifact or animal (Get Out 42:30- 44:00).In this particular situation, the audience is unaware that the guests are observing him and weighing his value. As the viewer follows Chris, they begin to understand how their comments may seem to have kind intentions but are patronizing or belittling. From the outside looking in, it is clear the guests’ comments are odd and a bit out of line. In the real world, this scenario is not an exaggerated turn of events. People are sometimes truthfully unaware when they are saying something offensive, especially in terms of race, gender, and other prevalent distinctions. By allowing those who may not usually be placed in this situation to experience it through the eyes of Chris, they can experience a scenario that showcases discomfort for minorities of all categories. Everybody is afraid of something. Even the bravest of people shiver at the thought of hearing that they need to complete a certain task. Fears vary from public speaking to slaying a dragon. In any case, it is something everyone has experienced. Knowing this, Get Out and Between the World and Me both grab the hearts of those who choose to open their ears. Coates fears for his son’s future because of the world he lives in. There will be too many scenarios in which he won’t have control over what happens to him. In particular, Coates discusses how expendable the â€Å"black body†is in America. With Trayvon Martin as his example, he explains to Samori Coates that his â€Å"body†is not valued as it should be. He is an outcast and the world would not care if something happened to him. Nearly identical, Chris is the outcast on a much smaller scale. Due to the fact that his material value outweighed his capabilities in the eyes of those who surrounded him, he was almost forced to fold to the wishes of those around him. This fear extends to the Black Panther universe as well. Wakanda is an isolationist country. They hide their rare and valuable resources (vibranium) from the world around them. They understand that in the event that other countries discover their secret, they will begin to weigh Wakanda’s material value as well. After being captured, Klaw, a secondary antagonist, begins to spread Wakanda’s secret (Black Panther 54:30- 56:45). He tells an American CIA agent about their massive hordes of vibranium and how it is used to power their nation. Since vibranium is the rarest, strongest, and most valuable resource in their world, Wakanda has used it to better their own nation. If other nations knew of this, that would only place more complications on their doorstep. Already, Klaw has shown that people would be willing to make weapons and further their own agendas with this material. Because of this, Wakanda has been forced into hiding, keeping them from acting out against injust ices such as slavery. Their vibranium would hold more value to others than the country itself, making them expendable. Expendability is a common theme displayed in these three works as it is overall how some people of color feel they are looked at in the bigger picture, and this scares us. Therefore, Jordan Peele, Ta Nehisi Coates, and Ryan Coogler shower this feeling over the viewer in the hopes that they can realize not only how the world views people of color, but how we view the world. These three depictions while moving towards similar goals, also take extremely different routes when it comes to getting their point across. Between the World and Me casts a large shadow of the world, showcasing that people of color are often insignificant when it comes to making a difference because we are not only too few in number but we lack power and capability. Get Out exemplifies the uneasiness of being colored in a world essentially run by white people. When you are surrounded by people who do not look like you, there is a lingering uncertainty that can make you uncomfortable in any setting. For example, towards the beginning of the movie, Chris and his girlfriend come into contact with a police officer after they hit a deer on the road (Get Out 12:20- 13:10). Even though Chris and Rose are the victims of a car accident, the police officer begins to antagonize Chris, going as far as to demand to see his license. As Chris begins to submit, Rose immediately grows more hostile, calling the officer out. Each character holds two different perceptions of the way things are, forcing them to react the way they do. Chris sees the world the way it is described in Between the World and Me. He understands that some things are unfair and out of his control, so to prevent the situation from escalating he concedes. Rose, however, does not. She realizes the discrimination taking place, and does not back down. She does not recognize any danger in becoming hostile with an armed officer, most likely due to her upbringing and perceptions of life around her. In response, the officer backs down. The audience is able to release a sigh of relief and almost smile as Chris was able to avoid tragic situations similar to those of Mike Brown or Philando Castile. Situations that have been a dark cloud hovering over our community stand as a constant reminder that life is not fair. In contrast, Black Panther is a movie where people of color are the majority, controlling a growing, profitable nation. In the world of Wakanda, there is a feeling of confidence and motivation seeing that people who look like you are responsible for great innovations. As opposed to being hindered by the world around you, they created and developed their own. This movie doesn’t seek to depict the struggles that people of color have, rather it seeks to be motivational.Wakanda is a representation of what we can be capable of if we put our minds to it, no matter what life consistently tries to embed in our minds. Similar to how Superman represents the best parts of human nature, the Black Panther is supposed to do this as well, but from a more relatable standpoint. These texts are extremely important to the current perception of Black America. The black perspective has not received an abundant amount of representation. Many movies where it was showcased, only glorify the negative s of the community. Black Panther and Get Out attempt to revise the lens in which we are viewed. No longer are we to be used to depict areas of low income; we can and will be used to depict characters worthy of being role models, and/ or relatable figures. In addition to revising the lens, great minds are now branching out and creating new ones. In a country where African Americans represent less than 15% of the American population, but nonetheless, represent just under 40% of the prison population, it is a breath of fresh air to have them viewed in a much more respectable and understandable light. In both movies, the protagonists are relatable. We fear with them, we fight with them, but most importantly, we can understand them. This is the goal of both Jordan Peele and Ta Nehisi Coates, who both understand how black people have perceived whether it be professionally or socially. By providing a lens for the viewer to see through the eyes of a person of color, they are contributing to a world with less discrimination. These three depictions of black culture are literally worlds apart. One is a nonfiction recalling, another is a realistic fiction horror story, and the last is a fictional fantasy. However, each of these three stories serve a common purpose. That purpose is to not only remedy but contextualize the black perspective. By putting our perspective on the forefront of everyone’s minds whether it be for two hours or two hundred pages, we hope to secure a future in which we are better understood and easier to relate to. In turn, the silent hatred that some may have for those who look different then they do, may finally evaporate. These pieces of art are more than just entertainment, they are a part of a movement, a movement to allow nothing less than equality.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
French And German Soldiers In WWI Essays - English-language Films
French And German Soldiers In WWI Essays - English-language Films French and German Soldiers in WWI The first World War was a horrible experience for all sides involved. No one was immune to the effects of this global conflict and each country was affected in various ways. However, one area of relative comparison can be noted in the experiences of the French and German soldiers. In gaining a better underezding of the French experience, Wilfred Owen's Dulce et Decorum Est was particularly useful. Regarding the German soldier's experience, various selections from Erice Maria Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front proved to be a valuable source of insight. A analysis of the above mentioned sources, one can note various similarities between the German and French armies during World War I in the areas of trench warfare, ill-fated troops, and military technology. Trench warfare was totally unbiased. The trench did not discriminate between cultures. This "new warfare" was unlike anything the world had seen before, millions of people died during a war that was supposed to be over in time for the holidays. Each side entrenched themselves in makeshift bunkers that attempted to provide protection from the incoming shells and brave soldiers. After receiving an order to overtake the enemies bunker, soldiers trounced their way through the land between the opposing armies that was referred to as "no man's land." The direness of the war was exemplified in a quotation taken from Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front, "Attacks alternate with counter-attacks and slowly the dead pile up in the field of craters between the trenches. We are able to bring in most of the wounded that do not lie too far off. But many have long to wait and we listen to them dying." (382) After years of this trench warfare, corpses of both German and French soldiers began to pile up and soldiers and civilians began to realize the futility of trench warfare. However, it was many years before any major thrusts were made along the Western front. As soldiers past away, recruits were ushered to the front to replenish the dead and crippled. These recruits were typically not well prepared for the rigors of war and were very often mowed down due to their stupidity. Both the French and Germans were guilty of sending ill-prepared youths to the front under the guise that "It is sweet and fitting to die for one's country." (380) Owen's Dulce et Decorum Est is a prime example of this "false optimism" created by the military machine in France to recruit eager new troops to die a hero's death on the front lines. Remarque also alluded to the fact incompetent young recruits were sentence to death. In reference to the young recruits Remarque stated, "It brings a lump into the throat to see how they go over, and run and fall. A man would like to spank them, they are so stupid, and to take them by the arm and lead them away from here where they have no business to be." (383) Millions of French and German soldiers, both young and old lost their lives during this world-wide struggle for survival. It is not necessary for one to go through an intense amount of abstraction in order to note similarities in the weaponry each side employed during the first World War. "Bombardment, barrage, curtain-fire, mines, gas, tanks, machine-guns, hand grenades" were all weapons that served the same purpose. (383) It did not matter if these weapons were in the hands of German or French soldiers, they all indiscriminately dealt death to the opposition. Gas was a particularly horrid creation. It would seeming spring out of the ground without much notice and if one did not seek the security of a gas mask, dreams would be smothered "under a green sea" and as one solider stated (in reference to those who were caught up in the pungent clouds of death) "He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning." (380) Typical sights for soldiers on any given day were "men without mouths, without jaws, without faces; we find one man who has held the artery of his arm in his teeth for two hours in order not to bleed to death. (384) The destructive weapons of war contributed
Friday, November 22, 2019
6 Top College Interview Tips How to Prepare Effectively
6 Top College Interview Tips How to Prepare Effectively SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Many of the top colleges either recommend or require interviews. To give yourself the best opportunity to make a good impression in your interviews, and to improve your chances of getting accepted to these schools, you should absolutely prepare for your interviews. In this article, I'll explain exactly how prepare for a collegeinterview, and I'll give you detailed college interview tipsthat should make you more comfortable and confident during the interview process. Introduction toCollege Interviews An interview provides the college with an opportunity to give you more information about the school and answer any of your questions about the school and the application process. Additionally, the interview gives the school an opportunity to learn more about you, your interests, and how you’ll be able to contribute to the school. Only a small percentage of colleges recommend or require an interview. Most large public universities don’t offer interviews because theysimply havetoo many applicants. Typically, the colleges that offer interviews are very selective private colleges. Check a college's website or contact the admission office to determine if interviews are offered and how to schedule one. Interviews can be on-campus, usually with an admissions representative, or off-campus near where you live, usually with a graduate of the college. Also, they can be evaluative, meaning that your interview impacts admission decisions, or they can be informational, meaning that they’re just designed to provide you with more information about the school or one of its programs. Two schools thatoffer evaluative interviews are Harvard and Princeton while Cornell and Vassar have informational interviews. Which Colleges Require Interviews? Check outthe complete list of colleges that require interviews to learn about all of the schools that recommend or require interviews. All of the Ivy League schools outside of Cornell either recommend or require interviews. Other colleges that recommend or require interviews include Duke, Emory, Bowdoin, University of Chicago, MIT, and Georgetown. Some colleges that offer optional interviews include Stanford, Tufts, Vanderbilt, and Vassar. Duke recommends interviews, and it has updated the look of its mascot. (Duke University Archives/Flickr) How to Set Up a College Interview Once you decide which schools you’re applying to, find out if they offer interviews. Also, you need to make a note of how and when to set up interviews. For schools that give interviews, you’ll often be contacted after you submit your application with information about setting up an interview. Generally, interviews are conducted in the fall if you're applying early, and they're conducted in the winter if you apply under regular decision.If you're given the option of having an interview, you should interview. Interviewing shows the school that you're genuinely interested in attending, and demonstrating interest can help your chances of gaining admission. Also, the interview gives the school an opportunity to learn more about you outside of what's in your application, and you get to learn more about the school. Why Do You Need to Prepare For an Interview? Most colleges stress that interviews are opportunities for the school to get to know more about you and for you to get to know more about the school. You may assume that because you know about yourself, there’s no real need to prepare. You may think that all you have to do is honestly answer the questions you’re asked. While it's true that you primarily just have to candidly answer questions about yourself, preparation can help youappear more confident and givemore thoughtful answers. Also, if you prepare, you'll be able to ask questions that demonstrate your interest in the school and show that you've done substantial research. Some additional preparation can help separate you from the thousands of students who are interviewing for these selective schools. If you prepare, you can be as confident as this guy. How to Prepare for a CollegeInterview Your preparation for your interviews consists ofthree major components: research, practicing answers to questions, and preparing questions to ask the interviewer. I’ll explain how to do all three and how they’ll benefit you during your interview. Step 1: Research the School Well before your interview, you should research as much about the school as possible. Focus your research on why the school would be a good fit for you and your needs. Because you should have done extensive research before you decided to apply, this should be mostly review and shouldn’t be too time-consuming. Consider how the school will be able to meet your needs and what you're looking for in a college. You can research anything of interest to you, whether it's related to academics, campus life, extracurriculars, study abroad programs, or athletics. If you want to pursue a specific major, you can learn about its course requirements, professors, and any special programs for students in that major. Use the school's website, college finders, search websites, and guidebooks to help you learn about the school. Your research will help you prepare for questions you may be asked, and it will help you come up with questions for your interviewer. Step 2: Prepare for Your InterviewAnswer Check out this article for a specific guide on the questions you should prepare for. Some common ones include: Why are you interested in this college? What are your academic strengths? What do you plan to be doing ten years from now? The questions you'll be asked pertain to your personality, character, goals, and why you think the school would be a good fit for you. To prepare, you should jot down some notes and practice your responses to the most common interview questions. Remember that the school wants to learn about what makes you unique. So, if you're asked about your greatest strength, don't just say that you're hardworking. That's a response that could be given by thousands of students. If you think you're especially diligent, you can reveal an anecdote that demonstrates your exceptional work ethic. Being able to give specific examples will make your answers much stronger and more believable. While it's not a bad idea to practice answering common questions, you don't want to try to memorize your answers or write them out word for word. You should appear conversational in the interview, and you don't want to have to stress about remembering the exact words of your prepared answers. Incorporate information from your research into your answer about why the school would be a good fit for you. Try to include information that's not too superficial or obvious. Don't just say you want to be a doctor and the school has a good pre-med program. Go into more depth. What about the pre-med program makes it a good program for you? What resources or classes that the school offers appeal to you? You can do a mock interview with a teacher, counselor, parent, or friend. Have somebody ask you common interview questions and practice responding as if you were in the interview. Step 3: Prepare Questions for Your Interviewer Remember that the interview is not only an opportunity for the interviewer to learn about you; it’s also an opportunity for you to learn more about the school. Asking questions shows you’re engaged and that you’re taking the college selection process seriously. Refer to this post for good questions to ask in an interview. I recommend preparing at least 2-3 questions. Here are a couple of examples of good questions: What advice would you have for me as an incoming freshman? I heard about (insert name of on-campus event). Have you participated? What's it like? Your questions should either be related to your research about the school, personal questions for the interviewer (but not inappropriately personal), or related to something the interviewer said or revealed during the interview. When you prepare questions, don't come up with questions that can be easily answered through basic research. Don't ask where the school is located or if it has a certain major. You should know the answers to those questions before the interview. Just like your answers to interview questions, your questions for the interviewer should be deeper and demonstrate thought. 3 College Interview Tips for the Day Of By the day of your collegeinterview, you should be extremely knowledgeable about the school, prepared to answer common interview questions, and have a few questions prepared for your interviewer. Here are some college interview tips to follow the day you interview. By this point, your hard work is mostly done, and now you get a chance to learn more about the school and show what a superstar you are. Tip 1: Dress Well When it comes to college interview attire, it’s better to err on the side of looking too formal than too casual. You want to appear like you’re taking the interview seriously, and you want to present yourself in a professional manner. Tip 2: Be Punctual I assume this goes without saying, but make sure you’re on time. Nothing gives a worse first impression than showing up late to a meeting. If something out of your control happens and you’re running late, contact the interviewer to let him/her know. Tip 3: Relax If you’ve made basic preparations and you’re polite to your interviewer, most likely, your interview will only be able to help your chances of admission. Also, so you don't stress too much, remember that the interview is only a minor factor in determining whether or not you're accepted to a school. Try your best to just be yourself. These colleges want to learn about you, so don't be overly worried about giving the "right" answers to questions. Give genuine answers and feel free to show your personality. What's Next? As you continue to research colleges and the college application process, make sure you know the complete application timeline and how many colleges to apply to. If you're striving to get into the most prestigious colleges, learn helpful tips from a Harvard graduate. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Organization People and Performance in Iberia Airlines Research Paper
Organization People and Performance in Iberia Airlines - Research Paper Example The firm adopts effective HRM strategies that call for first-class flight rewards to best employees. In so doing, the productivity of employees is maximized. Thus, employees are rewarded with respect to their performance. Additionally, the firm employs structural training system aimed at enhancing the quality of employees as well as enabling them to grow in their careers. The training strengthens the abilities and expertise of employees that enables them to handle more responsibilities while paving the humble way for promotion resulting in career growth (Asquith 2012, p.1). Communication plays a significant role in determining bonus and stock option as it calls for employees to be engaged in determining these issues especially when the pay rates are low when the firm is going through financial crisis. The aligned recruitment process to the cultural and strategic requirements of the company together with effective training and development initiatives makes the firm to enhance career g rowth of its employees. The reward system employed is formal since appraisal and promotion process goes through multiple channels thus making employees to be loyal productive and highly motivated. The rewards system in Iberia airline is based on performance and this motivates employees to perform better while fostering innovations in the firm. On the aspect of workforce statistics, Iberia has a capacity of over 25,000 employees and flies to seventy nine destinations within thirty nine countries across the globe.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The love-song of J.Alfred Prufrock Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The love-song of J.Alfred Prufrock - Essay Example He also preferred the epigraphy because of its immediacy in conveying his message of troubled being in a merciless world. However, the epic form echoes largely in successive stanzas the internal struggles affecting Prufrock as an individual. In other words, he has random thoughts that are vividly communicated in each stanza. Likewise, certain stanzas possess the use of free verse to connote Elliot’s deliberate usage of the technique as a means of breaching literary standards. He, for instance, notes in the third stanza â€Å"In the room the women come and go/Talking of Michelangelo†to portray a defiance of regular structure (Elliot 1). Additionally, it is a deeper manifestation of communicating differently. This poetic technique is supported by the poet’s use of a blank verse where there are no commas, semicolons, or hyphens at the end of every line. A blank verse makes the poem irregular and unmetered and, thus, spontaneous in the message it is intended for its audience. Likewise, Elliot employs the use of allusion in his poem as a ploy to create emphasis and achieve a lasting rhythmic effect. For example, the poet alludes to the Greek Poet Hesiod in line 29 when observes that â€Å"Time for all the works and days of hands (Elliot 2).†Another aspect of allusion is noted in line 52 when the poet makes references to the Twelfth Night by Shakespeare. Overall, it the allusions are meant to strengthen the imagery found in each stanza. On that perspective, imagery is a demonstration of the need to build realistic images of the plight and internal struggles affecting the persona in the poem. It is also meant to establish a link between comprehending the poet’s thought structure and the intended message for the audience. Use of repetition, on the other hand, is notable with the word ‘And’ to denote the urge to take a certain action successively in the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Student Success Essay Example for Free
Student Success Essay Student Success: Motivating School Students through Personal Development A very good morning, to everyone who are present here. Im Kanishka, I’m here by to present a topic about Student Success: Motivating School Students through Personal Development. First of all, I would like to summaries the essential topics which I’m going to share with you related my today’s lecture. Synopsis:- 1. How do I motivate my class mate students to learn? 2. What is personal development? 3. Self-Awareness 4. Self-Concept 5. Self-Discipline 6. Personal development: Implications for teachers 7. Conclusion 1. â€Å"How do I motivate my class mate students to learn? It is the question mostly asked by everyone in the school level. The diversity of our student population in today’s schools makes motivating students more challenging than ever. Students come to school from cultural differences, cast differences, differing belief systems, and complex issues like poverty, substance abuse, and dysfunctional families. What is motivation? Motivation is what compels us to act. It is the energy that provides fuel for action. Motivation can be either 1. Extrinsic or 2. Intrinsic. Extrinsic motivation relies on effective incentives and providing direction or structure for achievement. Motivation comes from an expected external reward for a desired action or behavior. Intrinsic motivation occurs when students generate the motivation from within, discovering the satisfaction of achievement and taking joy in doing something for the sake of doing it. - Intrinsic motivation is a natural outcome of students actively working on their personal growth and development. Personal growth and development requires students to become self-aware through self-reflection. Students learn the skills associated with personal growth and development in the context of learning subject matter, making the subject matter more interesting. For example, our teacher’s might ask students to identify characteristics. So they share with the realistic hero or the heroine in the story. Every learning opportunity will becomes as an opportunity for their personal growth. 2. What is personal development? Personal development is the process of becoming who we aspire to be in our life. In the process of personal development, we learn the 1. skills, 2. knowledge, 3. Aptitudes necessary to live a fulfilling, 4. Satisfying, and happy life. Focusing on personal development is a focus on student success. Schools are traditionally focusing on personal development only. 3. Self-Awareness Personal growth and development requires students to become self-aware. It is a critical dimension of self-regulation and the ability of students to relate to others Through self-awareness, students discover and appreciate their strengths and uniqueness. They learn what is important to them and what they value most. They identify their beliefs and how those beliefs help or hinder their personal growth and success. They become aware of the authentic self and learn to harness the power of the mind. School students are fully aware of their differences. They mature at different rates both physically and intellectually with dramatic variations. This is the ideal age for students to begin to explore and appreciate how they think, feel, And act in a variety of situations. Researcher Mr. Reeve Stark told that, - â€Å"Learning and development progress optimally when there is an active participation from the student to take personal responsibility for his or her own learning and developing†4. Self-Concept There is a direct tie to how students think, feel, and believe about themselves and motivation. It is the belief of the learner and his/her self-image (do I possess the necessary skills, knowledge and abilities to learn?) that provide the degree of motivation to learn. Students self-evaluate and judge themselves, forming outcome expectancies of success or failure. If the evaluation is positive, the learner is motivated, viewing the task as a challenge and persevering in the face of adversity. If the evaluation is negative, the student becomes anxious and tends to avoid the task. â€Å"Internal perceptions, interpretations, and expectancies will primarily determine the motivation and performance in everyone’s life†A student’s self-concept plays a major role in the kind of help he seeks when faced with challenging work. Students with lower levels of self-esteem, in an effort to protect themselves from failure, chose less effective help strategies. - Students’ self-concept or self-worth is directly related to what they believe about themselves and the self-talk they employ. Through self-awareness students can identify their patterns of self-talk and change them to be more affirming. Positive self-talk fosters autonomy and self-responsibility while enhancing a student’s self-confidence and self-esteem. 5. Self-Discipline Self-discipline refers to self-regulation; the ability of students to set goals, delay gratification to attain a long-term goal, and develop coping skills to overcome setbacks. Research indicates that students connecting to possibilities – a positive vision for their future and their aspirations – is one of the greatest indicators of a student’s success in school. Researcher Mr. Reeve Stark told that, â€Å"It is the possible self idea that provides the plans and strategies for their future – that will put them in an action.†Helping students connect to a vision of their future provides them with the motivation to set and achieve goals. In the process of personal development, 1. students not only set external goals (I want to be a doctor and earn a large income), 2. They also set personal goals (I want to be compassionate and a good listener). 6. Personal development: Implication for teachers Modeling is one of the most effective methods of teaching. Teachers who openly share areas of their personal growth and development convey the importance they place upon it. Teachers who practice what they lecture validate that the practice is of value and useful for students. In contrast, when a teacher does not model the behavior she is trying to convey, students wonder why and are less motivated to participate or listening in class what the teacher is taught. 7. Conclusion Learning through the lens of personal development provides strong intrinsic motivation; the two are inextricably linked. Teachers need to make plain the objectives of personal development and pursue it directly with students to attach intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation becomes a natural outgrowth in the pursuit of personal growth and development. Adolescence is an ideal time to assist students in their struggle to find their identity. Through self-awareness students learn the techniques of self-appraisal and self-acceptance. They build their self-concept by identifying and minimizing disempowering beliefs and self-talk, affirming their unique qualities, and building upon their strengths. They connect to a positive vision of their future, gaining the self-discipline to pursue and attain their goals. Teachers and students are both learners in the process. With a focus on success, personal growth and development is enjoyable and satisfying, giving credence to education’s goal of developing life-long learners. To encourage intrinsic motivation (Self Developement), teachers can do the following: 1. Help students find meaning or real time examples what the topic or the lessons what they already taught to the students. 2. Design an open and positive environment. Focus is on growth and success, never on lack, weakness, or failure. 3. Ensure students are valued members of a learning community – everyone is valued for their own uniqueness. - I would heartily thankful to everyone who has spent their valuable time with me during my small lecture. - Thanks once again.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Bomb :: essays papers
The Bomb One of the most powerful and intriguing people for the 20th century is Mother Teresa. She is probably the world’s best-known humanitarian. She spent her life caring for the hungry, the naked, the homeless, the crippled, the blind and the lepers. She cared for all people who felt unwanted, unloved and uncared for in society. The purity of heart and of purpose was what made her able to focus every ounce of her energy on her simple and unserving purpose in life: to do, to made, to be something beautiful for God. Mother Teresa had a devoted Catholic family. It was their generosity and care for the poor and less fortunate that helped her decide what she wanted to do with her life. She received a calling from God â€Å"to serve him among the poorest of the poor†while she was riding on a train to recover from suspected tuberculosis. Mother Teresa opened houses for lepers, alcoholics, drug addicts, the homeless and destitute, mothers with unwanted pregnancies and for people with AIDS all over the world. She felt that abortion is the worst evil. Her life exemplifies the true meaning of Christianity. The event we chose to be the most powerful in the 20th century is the bombing of Hiroshima. The bomb was dropped on August 6, 1945. The bomb had lots of killing power because of its size. The A-bomb had lots of killing power. Many people were burnt by the heat rays emitted from the bomb. Anyone who was located within 1.2 km from the hypocenter of the explosion at the time it went off died within a few days because of the exposure to direct heat rays. Radiation from the bomb caused certain blood disorders. Survivors of the blast soon reported cases of leukemia. Incidents of lung and thyroid cancer increased during the 1960’s because of the radiation. In utero exposure caused microcephaly, a smaller than normal skull, and mental retardation. The bomb â€Å"killed†the city as well. Fire was set to the entire city and buildings were gutted by the fire. Because of this enormous amount of power, 140,000 people died. There was power in sheer size of the bomb. It weighed 9,000 pounds, over 4 tons. The diameter measured 28 inches. It was 120 inches long. This particular bomb had more power than 20,000 tons of TNT. It contained 2,000 times more power than the British bomb, â€Å"Grand Slam.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Xiamen university is not onlyl one among the prestigious 21 1 and 985 project universities. but also specialized In accounting profession. Career Objective Seeking for a challenging position in an organization that will allow me to display my xperience and good problem solving skills to make a company grow by solving their problems.Looking forward to, use my skills for the betterment of the company and to increase my potential as well. Work Experience Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited 10/2012-present Auditor Taiwan, Taipei My experience continues with cross-functional teams on statuary audits, half yearly reviews, financial advisory projects etc. with China Development Financial Holding. Deloitte honed me professionally by giving me extensive experience In undertaking he following responsibilities: C] Review and audit financial Information for stakeholders.Evaluate the effectiveness and competence of the internal control of clients. ? Communicate with clients to accomplish tasks effec tively and efficiently. ? Encourge my colleagues when they were under great pressure. Ernst & Young Global Limited 07/201 1 -08/201 1 Intern C] Helped colleagues to deal with the about 300 confirmations of the client – Cathay Life Insurance Co. , Ltd. In 2days. o corrected a number when the last time footing before the printing the financial tatement for clients. ASUSTeK Computer Inc.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The Secret of Ella and Micha Chapter 4
Micha â€Å"She's already got you all hot and bothered.†Ethan sips on his soda. â€Å"Look at you. Drunk after eight months of sobriety and I don't believe it's a coincidence it happened on the same night she showed up.†I slam another shot back and wipe my lips with the back of my hand. â€Å"I'm fine man. And I can't blame what I do on anyone else but myself. This isn't Ella's fault. â€Å" Ethan laughs, tipping his head back, bumping it on the edge of the cupboard. â€Å"Who the hell are you trying to convince? You know just as well as every single person in the room knows that you two are each other's problem and it's never going to be fixed until you fuck and get it over with.†I punch him in the arm, harder than I planned. â€Å"Watch it. You're walking on thin ice tonight.†He holds up his hands, surrendering. â€Å"Sorry, I forgot how you get when you're like this.†I grab a fist full of his shirt and jerk him toward me. â€Å"Like what?†Again, he forfeits up his hands. â€Å"Micha man, calm down and go drink some coffee or something. You're trashed out of your mind.†I release him and rake my fingers through my hair, frustrated with something I can't grasp. â€Å"Coffee's a myth†¦ And I need something else.†My eyes travel to the back door window, and suddenly I understand what I need. I pat Ethan's shoulder. â€Å"Clear everyone out before my mom gets home, okay?†â€Å"Alright, man will do,†he replies confoundedly. â€Å"But where are you going?†â€Å"On a walk.†I knock people out of my way, and stumble out the back door. Regaining my balance, I trip across the grass and climb over the fence. Ella's dad's Firebird is parked in the driveway, so he must be home from the bar. Doesn't matter, though. He won't notice or care if I sneak in. I've been doing it since we were kids. Although, my intentions did get a bit dirtier the older we got. I stare up at her bedroom window until I reach the tree. After a drunken struggle, I make it to the top and I inch along the branch to the window. Cupping me hands around my eyes, I peek inside. The lights are off, but the glow of the moon lights a trail to her bed. She's fast asleep. I inch open the window, slicing my finger on a rusty nail. â€Å"Mother†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I suck on my finger tip, the taste of blood and vodka bitter against my tongue as I head dive through the window and hit the floor with a soft thud. Her friend shoots upright from the bed on the floor, her eyes wide. â€Å"Oh my God.†I put my finger to my lips as I get to my feet. â€Å"Shh†¦Ã¢â‚¬ She still looks worried so I dazzle her with my most charming smile. That seems to win her over and she settles back in her bed. As carefully as I can, I step over her bed and crawl in with Ella. She's always been a heavy sleeper and doesn't stir. I press my chest against her back, drape my arm over her waist, and feel the rhythm of her breathing. God, I've missed this way too much. It's not healthy. I burrow my face in her neck, smelling the scent of her hair, vanilla mixed with something that's only her. I shut my eyes and for the first time in eight months, I fall into a peaceful sleep. Ella I sleep horribly for half the night, tossing and turning, like the princess sleeping on a pea. Only I am far from a princess and the pea is my guilty conscience. I don't know why I feel guilty about blowing off Micha. I've done it breezily for the past eight months. Although, he wasn't living right next door with his sad puppy dog eyes and charming sexiness. My sleep deprivation only got worse when my dad stumbled into the house in the middle of the night, bumping over cups and bottles, drunk off his ass. Later, I heard him crying in the bathroom my mom died in. It still hurts to hear because his tears are my fault. Once I fall asleep, I am out and it ends up being the best night's rest I've had in ages. When I wake up in the late afternoon, I feel refreshed and calm. Until I realize why. Micha is in my bed and has me in his long, lean arms. His body is curved into mine, so every single part of him is touching me. I know it's him by the smell of his cologne mixed with mint and something else that only belongs to Micha. I pretend to be asleep, engulfed in a wonderful dream, refusing to wake up until he leaves. â€Å"I know you're awake,†he whispers in my ear. His voice is hoarse and his breath is stale with booze. â€Å"So open your eyes and quit avoiding me.†â€Å"You know it's illegal to walk into someone's house without permission,†I say with my eyes shut. â€Å"And sneaking into someone's bed – that's the move of a pervert.†â€Å"I didn't walk in. I fell in,†he says, amused. I pinch his firm chest and he laughs. â€Å"Now there's my feisty girl.†He brushes his soft lips across my forehead. â€Å"I've missed you, Ella May.†Opening my eyes, I wiggle in his arms. â€Å"Please don't start. It's too early.†His eyes are guarded and his hair is a mess. He chuckles lowly, a sound that ripples deep inside my core. â€Å"Pretend all you want, pretty girl. You and I know that deep down you're secretly glad to be pressed up to my body.†He urges our chests together as he snakes his legs around mine. My eyelids flutter against his warmth. God, I've missed this so much. Way too much and so has my body, evidently. â€Å"So where did you go?†he asks, crushing my moment of bliss. â€Å"To school in Vegas? Because it kind of surprises me. You never really liked school.†My mind snaps back to reality. â€Å"I don't want to get into this right now. I just want to have a relaxing summer and then I'm headed back to campus.†He blinks, his eyelashes fluttering against my forehead. The feel of him sends a warm tingle up my thighs and I seal my lips to keep from moaning. His eyebrows knit. â€Å"It's like you've been kidnapped by a bunch of nuns or something.†â€Å"Maybe I was,†I say submissively. â€Å"It wouldn't hurt anyone if I was.†He considers this and an artful smirk curves at his lip. â€Å"That's not true. Nuns can't have sex and I still haven't fulfilled my lifelong dream of having sex with you.†I open my mouth, my tongue locked and loaded with an equally perverted comeback, but I bite down, remembering I'm not that kind of a girl anymore. â€Å"I need to wake Lila up. She's got a long drive ahead of her.†With one swift roll, he has me pinned down beneath his body and my arms trapped above my head. His aqua eyes search mine and it's like staring at the endless ocean. He sucks on his lip ring, lost in thought. â€Å"You're going to tell me, pretty girl,†he asserts, tilting his head so his lips are next to my cheek. â€Å"You always tell me everything.†â€Å"Micha, please†¦.†I despise how breathless I sound. â€Å"You know why I left. You were there that night†¦ you saw me†¦ I can't do it again.†Anxiety claws up my throat and my muscles tense beneath the weight of his body. â€Å"Please let me up. I can't breathe.†He props up on his arms. â€Å"You could have talked to me, instead of running away. You know that.†I shake my head. â€Å"No, I couldn't. Not that time. That time it was different. You were part of the reason I had to leave.†â€Å"Because you kissed me?†he asks, dipping his voice to a husky growl. â€Å"Or because I found you that way†¦ that night.†I swallow the giant lump in my throat. The kiss was part of it. It was an earthshattering kiss, one that stole breaths, stopped hearts, and scared the shit out of me because it surfaced feelings I'd never felt before, ones that rendered me helpless. â€Å"I don't want to talk about it. Now get off of me.†I wiggle my arms between us and push on his chest. He sighs and rolls off me. â€Å"Fine, don't talk about it, but it doesn't mean you can run away from me again. I'll chase you down this time,†he threatens with a wink as he climbs off the bed, and the chain hooked to his studded belt jingles. â€Å"Get dressed and meet me out in the driveway. You have to go visit Grady today.†â€Å"No, thanks,†I decline and tug the blanket over my head. â€Å"And I told you last night I have stuff to do today. Besides aren't you hung over from last night? You were pretty wasted.†â€Å"Don't do that,†he says, aggravated. â€Å"Don't pretend like you have some deep insight into me anymore. You've been gone for eight months and a lot has changed.†I'm speechless. â€Å"Micha, I†¦ â€Å" â€Å"Come on, get out of bed. You're going to see Grady, whether you like it or not.†He yanks the blanket off me and tosses it on the floor, so I'm lying there in my plaid shorts and skin-tight tank top with no bra on underneath. He gives me a prolonged once over, with a dark, lustful glint in his eyes and goosebumps sprout all over my skin. I cover myself with my arms. â€Å"I'm not going to Grady's. I just got home and I have things to do.†â€Å"He's got cancer, Ella.†He backs for the door, tucking his hands into the pockets of his faded jeans. â€Å"So get your bratty, split-personality ass out of bed and go see him before you can't.†My arms fall to my sides as I sit up. â€Å"Why didn't anyone tell me?†â€Å"If you would have told someone where you were, we would have,†he says. â€Å"Although, I'm pretty sure your father knew where you were, he just wouldn't tell anyone.†I don't deny it. â€Å"Besides, I told you in the voicemail I left yesterday,†he says, glancing at my phone on the desk. â€Å"But I'm guessing you haven't listened to that?†I shake my head. â€Å"No, I was too surprised to see your number on the screen.†He bites on his lip ring, something he does when he's nervous. â€Å"Yeah, you should probably just delete that. I don't think you're ready for it yet.†My gaze moves to my phone. What the hell is on it? I climb out of bed, arching my back and stretching like a cat. â€Å"How bad is Grady?†He swallows hard. â€Å"He's dying, so you need to get dressed and let me take you to see him.†I begin to object, but rethink my initial stupidity. Grady is the one part of my past that I could never run from. At one point, he was like a father to Micha and me. I even called him from Vegas once, although I didn't tell him where I was. I nod. â€Å"Let me get dressed and I'll be out in a second.†â€Å"See you in a few.†He winks at me and vanishes into the hall, leaving the door wide open behind him. Lila quickly springs up from the trundle bed, clutching the sheet. â€Å"Oh. My. Hell. What was that about? I mean, he crawled in here through the window in the middle of the night, and just climbed into bed with you.†â€Å"That's what he does.†I open the window letting in the gentle breeze. Loose pieces of my hair dance around the frame of my face. â€Å"Oh, no.†Lila stretches her arms above her head. â€Å"What's wrong?†I reluctantly look at her. â€Å"I think someone might have confused your car for a canvas.†She jumps out of bed and elbows me out of the way to get a look at the damage done to her beautiful, nearly brand new Mercedes. â€Å"My poor baby!†I pull a skirt and a pink tank top out of my duffel bag. â€Å"Get dressed and we'll go check out the damage.†She pouts, looking like she might cry. â€Å"I can't drive it home like that. My parents will kill me.†â€Å"I know plenty of people who can fix it for you,†I say, opening the door. â€Å"Or I use to, but I'm sure it's all the same.†She nods and I go to the downstairs bathroom to change, avoiding the upstairs one. I turn on the shower so the mirror will fog up and hide my reflection. I comb my hair until it flips up at the ends naturally. Then I apply a light shade of lip gloss and head out the door, but run into my dad on the stairway. â€Å"When did you get here?†His breath smells like gin and his eyes are red. His cheeks have sunken in over the last eight months and his skin is wrinkled like leather with sores. He's in his late forties, but looks like he's pushing sixty. â€Å"Last night,†I tell him, taking his arm and helping him up the stairs. â€Å"I was in bed before you got home.†He offers me a pat on the back. â€Å"Well, I'm glad to have you home.†â€Å"I'm glad to be home,†I lie with a smile as we reach the top of the stairs. He moves his arm away from my hand and rubs the back of his neck. â€Å"Do you need anything? Like help carrying in your boxes?†â€Å"I think I can handle it on my own, but thanks.†I decline, sticking my arm out as he teeters toward the stairs. He nods and his eyes drift to the bathroom down the hall. He's probably thinking about how much I look like her. It hurts his eyes, at least that's what he told me the night I went to the bridge. â€Å"I guess I'll talk to you later then. Maybe we could go to dinner or something?†He doesn't leave me time to answer as he zigzags down the hall to his room, slamming the door shut behind him. My dad started drinking when I was about six, a few months after my mom got diagnosed with a bipolar disorder. His drinking habit wasn't that bad back then. He would spend a few nights at the bar and sometimes on the weekends, but after my mom died, beer and vodka took over both our lives. When I return to my room, Lila is dressed in a yellow sundress, with her blonde hair curled up and there is a pair of overly large sunglasses concealing her eyes. â€Å"I feel like crap,†she declares, putting her hands on her hips. â€Å"This place has that effect on most people.†I grab my phone, noting the flashing voicemail as I slip on my flip flops. We go outside, leaving the smoky air behind and step into the bright sunlight, surrounded by the scenery of rundown homes and apartments. The neighborhood is filled with motorcycle engines revving and far in the distance are the sounds of a lovers' quarrel and Micha is nowhere to be seen. A long time ago, it felt like home, back when street racing and running wild felt natural, but now I just feel lost. Lila starts biting at her fingernails as she gapes confoundedly at her car. â€Å"It looks worse up close.†I circle her car with my arms folded, assessing the damage. It looks like a fruit basket, only instead of being filled with fruit it's crammed with innuendos and colorful words. I'm on the verge of laughing for some reason. â€Å"They got you good.†She shakes her head. â€Å"This isn't funny. Do you know how much it's going to cost to fix this?†Lila's dad is a big shot lawyer over in California. Her parents are always sending her things like clothes, money, cars. She has never worked a day in her life and gave me a hard time for my waitressing job at Applebee's, begging me to take time off to go to parties. â€Å"So what do we do?†She chips at some green paint on the headlight with her fingernail. I point up the street. â€Å"There's an auto body shop not too far from here.†She glances down the road, which is covered in potholes and lined with filthy gutters. â€Å"But this is a Mercedes.†â€Å"I'm sure painting a car, no matter who the maker is, is all the same.†â€Å"But what if they do something to it?†â€Å"Like spray paint it again after they paint it?†I say sarcastically and she scowls. â€Å"Sorry. We'll find someone, okay? We can take it to someplace in Alpine. It's a little nicer over there.†â€Å"I can't drive it when it looks like this,†she complains, motioning at the car. â€Å"It's hideous.†â€Å"I'll drive it, then,†I offer my hand out for her to give me the keys. â€Å"Are you joking?†She pats the hood of her car. â€Å"This is my baby. No one drives it but me. You know that.†â€Å"I think your baby is in serious need of some plastic surgery.†Micha strides off the porch of his house and onto the driveway. He's changed into black jeans, a fitted grey t-shirt, and his blonde hair hangs in his eyes. Using his long legs, he jumps over the chain-linked fence between our yards. â€Å"I know the perfect place to get it fixed and it's here in town, so you won't have to drive it so far.†He gives Lila a wink. â€Å"I'm Micha, by the way.†â€Å"Hi, I'm Ella's roommate or old roommate anyway,†she says with a warm smile and slides her sunglasses down the brim of her nose. â€Å"We're not sure if we're sharing a dorm room next semester.†He presents her with his player grin. â€Å"Sharing a room with Ella? That had to be tough.†He shoots me a mischievous look, trying to get a rise out of me. She laughs and returns her glasses over her eyes. â€Å"No, she's a pretty great roommate, actually. She cleans and cooks and everything. It's like having my own house maid.†â€Å"Ella was always good at that stuff,†he agrees, knowing the real reason why. Even before my mom died, she was never good at taking care of the house. I had to learn how to take care of myself at a very young age, otherwise I'd have starved and rotted away in a rat-infested house. â€Å"So do you want me to take your car to that shop I was talking about? Like I said, it's really close.†â€Å"Yeah, that sounds great.†She shuffles her sandals against the concrete. â€Å"I'd rather go someplace close.†I mentally roll my eyes. Leave it to Micha. He can get any woman to contradict herself if he wants to. He swings his arm around my shoulder and kisses me on the forehead. â€Å"But I have to take pretty girl over here to see an old friend first.†â€Å"Please stop calling me that,†I beg. â€Å"I've never liked the nickname and you know that. I never even got why you called me it.†â€Å"And that's the appeal of it, pretty girl.†He tempts me closer to him and caresses my cheek with his lips, giving me a kiss that brings warmth to my skin. â€Å"Now are you ready to go see Grady? You can come, too, if you want†¦ is it Lila?†â€Å"Yeah, it's Lila. Lila Summers.†She offers her hand and Micha shakes it. â€Å"And sure I'll go. This place makes me a little nervous.†â€Å"Isn't your family expecting you to be home tonight?†I escape from underneath Micha's arm. â€Å"I'll text them and tell them I'm not leaving until tomorrow.†She retrieves her cell phone and scrolls through her contacts. â€Å"The car will be done by tomorrow, right?†â€Å"It's hard to say,†Micha says. â€Å"Ethan is the best, but a little slow.†Her head snaps up and there's delight in her eyes. â€Å"Ethan as in Ethan from the party last night? The one with the sexy hair and the really big hands?†Micha bites down on his lip, stifling a laugh, and flicks me a sideways glance. I can't help but smile. â€Å"Yep, that's the one,†he says. â€Å"Do you feel better about taking your car to him now?†â€Å"Well, yeah, if you think it's okay?†she checks. â€Å"I'm very picky about who works on my car or at least my dad is very picky about who works on it.†â€Å"It'll be fine,†he assures her with a wink. â€Å"I've never disappointed a girl yet.†â€Å"Oh yeah?†Lila laughs, glancing at me uneasily, like she's worried she's stepping on my territory. â€Å"So are we going to go or what?†A ping of jealousy pinches inside my chest. â€Å"Yep, let's go, beautiful.†Micha leads the way around the fence and up his driveway to the garage. When I step inside, my mouth falls open. Parked in the middle, between the walls lined with shelves and tools, is a shiny 1969 Chevy Chevelle SS. It's painted in a smoky black with a cherry red racing stripe down the center. â€Å"You finally fixed it up?†He pats the shiny flawless hood, his eyes sparkling with excitement. â€Å"I finally got around to it, after talking about it for four years.†His eyes find mine, seeking my approval. â€Å"So what do you think?†â€Å"It's kind of old.†Lila pulls a face at the car. â€Å"And really big.†â€Å"I thought you liked things big?†Micha teases. I punch him in the arm and he laughs. â€Å"Ow, I meant hands. Jeez get your mind out of the gutter.†I roll my eyes. â€Å"You did not, you pervert.†He shrugs, his eyes lustrous in the sunlight filtering through the gritty windows. â€Å"So what. It got you to lighten up, didn't it?†â€Å"Are we driving it to Grady's?†I opt for a neutral voice. He slips his keys out of his pocket and tosses them to me. â€Å"Yeah, go ahead. It's all yours.†I swiftly shake my head and throw the keys back at him, like they're scorching hot. â€Å"No thanks. I don't want to.†He cocks an eyebrow, looking sexy. â€Å"What do you mean you don't want to?†â€Å"I mean I don't want to drive it.†It nearly kills me to say it. I walk around the front of the car, open the door, and gesture for Lila to get in. â€Å"But it has a blown 572 Big Block in it,†he says astounded with the keys hanging loosely from his fingers. â€Å"How can you not want to drive it?†My insides twitch to drive it, but I won't buckle. â€Å"It's fine, Micha. I'd rather be the passenger.†â€Å"What does that mean? A blown big block or whatever you said?†Lila wonders as she walks to the side of the car. â€Å"Wait, are you guys talking cars? El doesn't like cars. In fact, she made us take the bus most of the time when we left campus.†â€Å"Oh really?†His tone implies otherwise. â€Å"That's news to me.†â€Å"It's a waste of gas,†I lie, attempting to mask the truth; that I miss it. The rush, the speed, the adrenaline high. Lila ducks inside the car and into the backseat. I climb into the passenger side and Micha opens the garage door. He revs up the engine, letting it rumble, teasing me, before backing down the driveway. â€Å"I'm starting to think that the Ella you knew isn't the same one as I know.†Lila buckles her seatbelt up. He spins the tires down the road. â€Å"I think you might be on to something Lila, because the one I knew loved cars. In fact she used to hang out in the garage all day with the guys while the other girls played with their hair and makeup.†He flashes me a dangerous grin. â€Å"She used to get all excited when we'd go racing.†No matter how hard I try to hinder myself from getting energized, I can't. Those hot summer nights, flying down the highway, neck and neck with another car, the rush soaring through my body. Micha trails his finger along my neck and rests it on my pulse. â€Å"You're getting excited just thinking about it.†His touch spreads a longing through my body. I swat his hand away, cross my arms, and focus on the window, watching the neighborhood blur by as he cruises over the speed limit. Micha shifts the gears and the engine thunders louder, begging to burn rubber. â€Å"Is it legal to be driving this fast?†Lila asks nervously. We glance back at her and she grips the edge of the leather seat. â€Å"It just seems like we're going really fast, especially in a neighborhood.†Micha holds my gaze resolutely as he downshifts and pumps up the rpms. â€Å"What do you think? Speed up? Or slow down?†I want to tell him to slow down, pull on my seatbelt, and look away, but a passion that was dead raves. He throttles the gas pedal, keeping his eyes on mine, venturing me to look away first. â€Å"Um†¦ I don't think this is a good idea.†Lila's voice is far away. The car surges faster down the narrow road and his eyes dare me to tell him to slow down and part of me wants to. Desperately. But as he shoves the shifter into the next gear, going faster and faster, my body pleads to let go. Suddenly, Lila screams, â€Å"Stop sign!†Micha's eyes sparkle like sunlight reflecting into the ocean. He slams on the brakes, squealing the car to a halt, and throwing us all forward. My hand shoots out and I brace myself from hitting the dashboard. â€Å"Are you crazy?†Lila's voice cracks as she situates back into the seat and realigns her dress over her legs. â€Å"What is wrong with you two?†Micha and I look at each other and my body is burning with a hidden desire that I won't admit exists. My heart beats in my chest, rock steady and alive again. For a second, I'm back in the place I lost. Then Micha ruins it. â€Å"See, the same old Ella still lives.†He grins arrogantly as he drives through the intersection. â€Å"She just needed a little push out.†I click the seatbelt locked, proving a point. â€Å"No, she doesn't. She's gone forever.†â€Å"Try all you want, but I'm bringing her back.†He bites his lip, refocusing on the street as he mutters, â€Å"I won't let that night ruin you forever.†But it did. It broke me into a million pieces and blew them away in the wind, like crumbled leaves. That night was one of the most incredible nights I've ever had. Then I quickly plummeted toward rock bottom.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Abortions in foreign Countries essays
Abortions in foreign Countries essays Abortions in foreign countries has been controversial since 1995, when Republicans began using foreign aid legislation as leverage to gain restriction on overseas abortions. The Mexico City Policy know for its name after former President Regans conference in that city was established in 1984. Opponents of this policy call it a global gag rule. The policy was a ban on Federal aid money to overseas organizations that provide abortion counseling or speak publicly in support of abortion, even if they use their own funds to do so. Former President Clinton repealed the Mexico City Policy immediately upon taking office in 1993, U.S tax dollars have been pumped without restrictions into the coffers of organizations that promote and carry out abortions overseas, chief among these being the International Planned Parenthood Federations. In January 2001 when President George Bush took office, one of his first actions was to sign an executive order banning Federal aid money to overseas organizations that provide abortion counseling. President Bush says it is my conviction that taxpayer funds should not be used to pay for abortions, advocate or actively promote abortions, either here or abroad. The International Planned Parenthood Federation believes that this move would result in-groups that provide family planning information being shut down. A reproductive right organization sued President Bush challenging the constitutionality of the governments ban on aid for family planning groups that discuss or advocate abortion right abroad. The federal lawsuit also names Secretary of State Colin Powel and Andrew Natsios, administrator of the U.S Agency for International Development. Planned Parenthood receives $200 million in taxpayer money from the government. Currently 54 countries allow abortions, which are about 61 percent of the world population. The Alan Guttmacher Institute ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Discovering the Occupations of Your Ancestors
Discovering the Occupations of Your Ancestors Do you know what your ancestors did for a living? Researching ancestral jobs and occupations can teach you a great deal about the people who make up your family tree, and what life was like for them. An individuals occupation may give insight into their social status or to their place of origin. Occupations can also be used to distinguish between two individuals of the same name, often an essential requirement in genealogy research. Certain skilled occupations or trades may have been passed down from father to son, providing indirect evidence of a family relationship. Its even possible that your surname derives from the occupation of a distant ancestor. Finding An Ancestors Occupation When researching your family tree, it is usually fairly easy to discover what your ancestors did for a living, as work has often been something used to define the individual. As such, occupation is an often listed entry in birth, marriage and death records, as well as census records, voter lists, tax records, obituaries and many other types of records. Sources for information on your ancestors occupations include: Census Records - A good first stop for information on your ancestors job history, census records in many countries- including the U.S. census, British census, Canadian census, and even French census- list the primary occupation of at least the head of household. Since censuses are usually taken every 5-10 years, depending upon the location, they may also reveal changes in working status over time. If youre U.S. ancestor was a farmer, the U.S. agricultural census schedules will tell you what crops he grew, what livestock and tools he owned, and what his farm produced. City Directories - If your ancestors lived in an urban location or larger community, city directories are a possible source for occupational information. Copies of many older city directories can be found online on subscription-based websites such as and Some free sources of digitized historical books such as Internet Archive also may have copies online. Those that cant be found online may be available on microfilm or through libraries in the area of interest. Tombstone, Obituary and other Death Records - Since many people define themselves by what they do for a living, obituaries generally mention the individuals former occupation and, sometimes, where they worked. Obituaries may also indicate membership in occupational or fraternal organizations. Tombstone inscriptions, while more brief, may also include clues to occupation or fraternal memberships. Social Security Administration - SS-5 Application RecordsIn the United States, the Social Security Administration keeps track of employers and employment status, and this information can generally be found in the SS-5 application form that your ancestor filled out when applying for a Social Security Number. This is a good source for the employers name and address of a deceased ancestor. U.S. Military Draft RecordsAll males in the United States between the ages of 18 and 45 were required by law to register for the World War One draft throughout 1917 and 1918, making WWI draft records a rich source of information on millions of American males born between about 1872 and 1900, including occupation and employment information. Occupation and employer can also be found in World War II draft registration records, completed by millions of men living in America between 1940 and 1943. Wills and probate records, military pension records, such as Civil War union pension records, and death certificates are other good sources for occupational information. What is an Aurifaber? Occupation Terminology Once you find a record of your ancestors occupation, you may be puzzled by the terminology used to describe it. Headswoman and hewer, for instance, are not occupations you commonly come across today. When you run across an unfamiliar term, look it up in the Glossary of Old Occupations Trades. Keep in mind, that some terms may be associated with more than one occupation, depending upon the country. Oh, and in case you are wondering, an aurifaber is an old term for goldsmith. What Made My Ancestor Choose This Occupation? Now that youve determined what your ancestor did for a living, learning more about that occupation may provide you with additional insight into your ancestors life. Begin by trying to determine what might have influenced your ancestors choice of occupation. Historical events and immigration often shaped the occupational choices of our ancestors. My great-grandfather, along with many other unskilled European immigrants looking to leave behind a life of poverty with no promise of upward mobility, immigrated to western Pennsylvania from Poland in the early 20th century, and found employment in the steel mills and, later, the coal mines. What Was Work Like for My Ancestors? Finally, to learn more about your ancestors day-to-day work life, you have a variety of resources available to you: Search the Web by occupation name and location. You may find other genealogists or historians who have created engaging Web pages full of facts, pictures, stories and other information on that particular occupation. Old newspapers may include stories, ads, and other information of interest. If your ancestor was a teacher you may find descriptions of the school or reports from the school board. If your ancestor was a coal miner, you may find descriptions of the mining town, pictures of the mines and miners, etc. Thousands of different historical newspapers from around the world can be accessed online. Fairs, festivals, and museums often afford the opportunity to watch history in action through historical reenactments. Watch a lady churn butter, a blacksmith shoe a horse, or a soldier recreate a military skirmish. Take a tour of a coal mine or a ride a historic railroad and experience the life of your ancestor first hand. How to Learn Your Ancestors Occupation Visit your ancestors hometown. Especially in cases where a lot of residents of a town held the same job (a coal mining town, for example), a visit to the town can offer the chance to interview older residents and learn some great stories about day-to-day life. Follow up with the local historical or genealogical society for even more information, and look for local museums and displays. I learned much about what life was probably like for my great-grandfather through a visit to the Frank Sylvia Pasquerilla Heritage Discover Center in Johnstown, PA, which re-creates what life was like for the Eastern European immigrants who settled the area between 1880 and 1914. Look for professional membership societies, unions, or other trade organizations related to your ancestors occupation. Current members can be a great source of historical information, and they may also maintain records on the occupation, and even past members.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Marriage and Love Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Marriage and Love - Essay Example What is important to note, for purposes of this essay, is that fact that romantic love was associated with marriage and marital fulfillment as a growing trend in an increasingly individualistic world rather than love itself. Love, in short, is more than a romantic or idealistic state of mind; indeed, as pointed out by Duby and Dunnet, love has, throughout history, been associated with such notions as respect, admiration, and a sense of security (1994: 37). The preliminary step, therefore, is to define love as it has been understood historically rather than to rely on unnecessarily inaccurate and narrow definitions as commonly portrayed in the mass media. This essay will argue that love is more comprehensive than lesser notions such as romantic love and that it can therefore function as the basis of a successful and enduring marriage; more specifically, this essay will argue that the media has idealized the notion of love more than is true of the concept itself and that the marital institution, as it has evolved over time, is more than capable of being founded and sustained about this broader concept of love. As an initial matter, there is no question that marriage has been sustained by a variety of different factors and motivations throughout history; these motivations have varied and differed according to cultural contexts, local conditions, and sociological stages of development. Although often portrayed negatively y the western media, arranged marriages have been the historical and cultural norm historically; this is true not only in cultures and countries traditionally associated with arranged marriages, such as in India, but in embryonic western nations and cultures as well. These arranged marriages were frequently motivated by such notions as pooling family wealth, maintaining social status or cementing political alliances, nurturing the continuation of certain religious or ideological communities, or simply continuing well-established cultural or local traditions (Shumway, 2003: 118). The arranged marriage was characterized by an oversight function performed by the older generati on and the opinions or the preferences of the younger generation were subservient. This is not to say that the opinions of the people to be married were wholly irrelevant, though is many cases they were definitely of lesser value, but that the older generation relied upon considerations that were not consistent with modern notions of romantic or erotic love. It cannot be argued, however, that love as it was more generally known was irrelevant to marriage; more particularly, as noted by De Munck, men and women have fallen in love for reasons more compelling than an erotic attraction or a sudden physical or emotional impulse (1998: 78). Those whom would reduce love to the romantic concept exploited by capitalist media companies would do a great disservice to love and marriage, to people's individual judgment and reason, and to the sociological sciences. The marital institution did not become a prisoner of sudden irrational impulses; quite the contrary, as outlined by Wexman By the early twentieth century the emergence of a public sphere fostered the development of a youth culture centered on courtship rituals largely cut off from supervision by the older
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